Giving Circles: Philanthropy for All


In the evolving landscape of philanthropy, a growing trend is reshaping how people engage with charitable giving: the giving circle. This grassroots approach to philanthropy is gaining momentum, fostering community, collaboration, and meaningful giving. But what exactly are giving circles, and why are they becoming a crucial part of the philanthropic sector?

 What is a Giving Circle?

At its core, a giving circle is a form of collective giving where groups of individuals come together to pool their resources, collectively decide where to donate those funds, and sometimes engage directly with the causes they support. These circles can range from small groups of friends to larger, more structured networks. Members typically contribute an equal amount of money and have an equal say in decision-making.

 Philanthropy for Everyone

One of the most significant roles of giving circles is in democratizing philanthropy. They open doors for individuals who may not view themselves as traditional philanthropists due to their income level. By pooling resources, members can make more substantial donations than they could individually. This approach makes philanthropy more accessible and inclusive, allowing a broader range of people to engage in meaningful charitable activities.

 Building Community

Giving circles are not just about pooling financial resources; they are also about building communities. They provide a platform for members to connect, discuss, and learn about social issues and nonprofit effectiveness. This collaborative environment fosters a deeper understanding of philanthropy and its impact. Members often find that participating in a giving circle enhances their knowledge of local and global issues, nonprofit management, and the tangible effects of strategic giving.

 Focused and Meaningful Giving

With a collective approach, giving circles can focus their efforts and resources more strategically. By combining funds and deciding together, they can target specific issues or support particular organizations, often making a more substantial impact than individual giving. This targeted approach can be particularly effective in addressing local community needs, as many giving circles prioritize local organizations or projects.

 Encouraging Long-Term Engagement

Members of giving circles are often more engaged in their philanthropy than passive donors. The interactive nature of these groups encourages long-term commitment to philanthropy and a sustained interest in social causes. Through regular meetings and discussions, members stay connected to their community and the impact of their collective giving.

Giving circles represent a shift towards more collaborative, inclusive, and impactful forms of philanthropy. They provide a space for learning, sharing, and community-building, all while making a tangible difference in the causes they support. As these circles continue to evolve, they will undoubtedly continue to influence the broader landscape of philanthropy in powerful ways.

 Join a Giving Circle or Start One of Your Own!

Locating an existing giving circle in your area might be somewhat difficult. Although provides a global directory of giving circles, inclusion relies on the circle organizers to submit their information. Therefore, the absence of a giving circle listed in your area doesn't necessarily mean there isn't one. Since giving circles are fundamentally social groups, exploring social media and networking with friends and colleagues are effective ways to discover one nearby.

In the Bismarck-Mandan area, for instance, the BisMan Power of 100 organizes giving events every quarter. Teams of 1 to 4 individuals pledge to donate $100 each quarter to a chosen nonprofit, resulting in over $10,000 raised every quarter. These events not only facilitate donations but also provide members with insights into various charities and opportunities for further involvement.

If you're interested in starting a giving circle, it's quite straightforward. Begin by assembling a small group of friends or family. Decide on the frequency and amount of your donations, as well as the process for selecting a nonprofit to support. Once these details are determined, it's wise to document them and have all members agree to the set rules and guidelines by signing this document.

If each member makes their donation directly to the nonprofit, you will not need to incorporate as a nonprofit organization. If you prefer a more formal structure, you can visit with your local community foundation to see if they have a giving circle program or offer Donor-Advised funds.

A Year of Giving: How to Make Charity and Volunteerism Your New Year's Resolution

As we step into a new year, many of us are setting resolutions aimed at self-improvement and personal growth. While focusing on individual goals is essential, why not take it a step further by incorporating charitable giving and volunteerism into your New Year's resolutions? This not only benefits others but also brings a sense of purpose and fulfillment to your life. Let's embark on a journey of compassion and community engagement, with a month-by-month guide to integrating philanthropy into your year.


January: The Gift of Warmth

Start the year by giving the gift of warmth to those in need. Consider organizing a winter clothing drive in your community. Encourage friends, family, and colleagues to donate gently used coats, scarves, and blankets. Partner with local shelters or organizations to distribute the collected items to individuals facing the cold weather.

February: Acts of Kindness

Embrace the spirit of love and kindness in February by committing to perform small acts of kindness throughout the month. These acts can include helping a neighbor, offering your seat on public transportation, or surprising a colleague with a thoughtful gesture. Kindness has a ripple effect, creating a positive impact on both the giver and receiver.

March: Education for All

Education is a powerful tool for empowerment. In May, focus on supporting educational initiatives. Donate books to local schools, volunteer as a tutor or mentor, or contribute to scholarship funds. Education opens doors, and your efforts can contribute to creating a brighter future for others.

April: National Volunteer Month

April is National Volunteer Month, making it the perfect time to ramp up your volunteer efforts. Explore opportunities in your community or participate in a global initiative. Whether it's volunteering at a local food bank, mentoring youth, or assisting at a community event, your time and skills can make a significant impact.

May: Environmental Stewardship

As spring blossoms, focus on environmental stewardship. Dedicate time to participate in a local community clean-up or tree-planting event. Educate yourself on sustainable practices and make conscious efforts to reduce your carbon footprint. Consider supporting environmental charities that align with your values.

June: Hunger Awareness

 With the arrival of summer, turn your attention to hunger awareness. Participate in or organize a food drive to support local food banks. Consider volunteering at a soup kitchen or community garden. Take time to learn about the root causes of hunger and advocate for policies that address food insecurity.

July: Community Building

July is a time for community gatherings and celebrations. Use this month to build connections within your community. Organize a block party, host a neighborhood clean-up, or collaborate on a local art project. Strong communities thrive on shared experiences and mutual support.

August: Health and Wellness

Prioritize health and wellness in August, not just for yourself but for others in your community. Volunteer at a local hospital, organize a fitness event for charity, or support organizations working towards better healthcare access for all. Small efforts can contribute to a healthier and happier community.

September: Disaster Relief

As we enter the peak of hurricane season, September is an opportune time to focus on disaster relief efforts. Donate to organizations providing aid to affected areas, participate in disaster preparedness programs, or volunteer with local emergency response teams.

October: Breast Cancer Awareness

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, providing an opportunity to support those affected by breast cancer. Contribute to research organizations, participate in charity walks, and spread awareness about early detection and prevention.

November: Gratitude in Action

As Thanksgiving approaches, express gratitude by giving back to your community. Volunteer at a local soup kitchen, organize a Thanksgiving meal for those in need, or donate to charities supporting vulnerable populations. Gratitude in action fosters a sense of community and shared abundance.

December: Holiday Giving

End the year on a high note by embracing the spirit of giving during the holiday season. Participate in toy drives, donate to charities providing holiday meals, or volunteer at local shelters. Extend kindness and warmth to those who may need extra support during this festive season.

Incorporating charitable giving and volunteerism into your New Year's resolutions transforms personal growth into a collective effort towards positive change. By dedicating each month to a specific cause, you'll create a lasting impact on both your life and the lives of those in your community. Let this year be a journey of compassion, connection, and meaningful contributions to the world around you.

Smart Giving During the Holidays (and Beyond!)


Here at the BisMan Community Foundation, we think about charitable giving and generosity all year. But this time of year—from #GivingTuesday to the Salvation Army’s red kettles and beyond—is the peak season for giving.

When you add the holiday spirit to our desire to help others, charitable giving is more visible in our culture right now than at other times of the year. But remember: Giving happens year-round, as nonprofits need our gifts of time, talent, and treasure to deliver their programs throughout the year, not just during the holidays or for a year-end wrap-up.

As you make your charitable giving decisions, here are some ideas to guide you.

Choose Your Cause(s)

Nonprofit organizations address a wide range of social problems and provide numerous public services. Because there is no shortage of worthy causes, you need a way to make decisions about what is most important to you.

First, think about organizations that you already know—ones that you are involved with as a volunteer or you have attended their special event.

Consider the organizations you have benefited from: as a camper at the Y’s summer camp, a season ticket-holder at the local theater, or a patron of your local library.

Giving to organizations that you already know and have seen or experienced their impact is a great place to start.

Do Your Homework

If an organization comes to you that you aren’t familiar with, you may need to do a little homework before making a gift.

First, consider the person who is asking. Is it someone you know and trust? Has that person been involved with the organization in some way? If you don’t know who the asker is, it might be easier to say no, or you might need to do some homework.

An easy place to start your investigation is the organization’s website. Are the staff and board listed? Is financial information made easily available? Is there data about the organization’s impact? Is there an annual report?

Unfortunately, charitable giving is not as easy as going to Amazon, reading three customer reviews, and clicking one button. Giving requires us to discern how we can give in a way that aligns with our values and consider how we can have the greatest impact with the resources we have to give.

Match Your Values

When giving, think first about the community where you live.

What do you love about your community that you want to preserve? How can your philanthropy make the community better or address a particular social need?

Is it your public library and the awesome things it’s doing to promote lifelong learning? Is it the school-based pantry that sends kids home with food for the weekend? Do you care about the environment and your community being green and beautiful? Maybe you want to support organizations that are planting trees or doing a public arts program.

If you are unsure of which organizations are most deserving, give to the BisMan Community Foundation. Our annual grants support a wide range of quality-of-life projects and programs - check out our Mini Grant and SuperGrant pages to learn more.

A final thought is a more reflective and philosophical exercise: Think about what you want your legacy to be. How can your giving be an expression of your values and your vision for a better future?

Elevate your giving in a way that makes it a lifetime journey—not something that you only do during the holidays —and includes your children and grandchildren. May you experience the joy of giving this season and throughout the year!

The Legacy of Giving: Why Including Charitable Giving in Your Will Matters

In recognition of National Estate Planning Awareness Week (October 16-22), we bring you this blog post about including charitable giving in your will. This is not tax or legal advice; we encourage you to contact your tax planner and/or attorney for advice on your personal situation.

We all strive to leave a mark on the world, to make a difference that extends beyond our lifetime. One powerful way to achieve this is by including charitable giving in your will. Leaving a portion of your assets to charitable causes not only ensures that your values and passions live on but also brings about positive change in the lives of others.

A Lasting Legacy

Leaving a charitable bequest in your will is a tangible way to continue supporting causes that matter to you long after you're gone. It's an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the organizations and initiatives that align with your values and beliefs. By doing so, you leave behind a legacy that reflects your commitment to making the world a better place.

Support for Causes Close to Your Heart

Your will allows you to support causes that are near and dear to your heart. Whether it's your community, education, healthcare, environmental conservation, or social justice, you have the power to channel your resources toward the issues that matter most to you. This targeted giving ensures that your assets are used in a way that reflects your passion and vision.

Tax Benefits

Including charitable giving in your will can also provide tax benefits. In many countries, donations to registered charities are often tax-deductible, reducing the overall tax burden on your estate. This means you can maximize the impact of your charitable giving while providing potential financial benefits to your heirs.

Encouraging a Culture of Giving

When you include charitable giving in your will, you set an example for your family and loved ones. It sends a powerful message about the values that guided your life and the importance of giving back to the community. This can inspire future generations to continue your legacy of philanthropy, creating a culture of giving within your family.

Flexibility and Control

A charitable bequest in your will offers flexibility and control over your giving. You can specify the percentage of your estate or a specific dollar amount that you'd like to donate to charitable organizations. You can also designate how the funds should be used, ensuring that they align with your intentions.

Support for Smaller Organizations

Charitable giving in your will is an excellent way to support smaller, local, or lesser-known organizations that might not receive significant public attention or funding. Your donation can make a substantial difference to these groups, helping them fulfill their missions and create positive change within their communities.

Adapting to Changing Circumstances

Life is unpredictable, and circumstances change. By including charitable giving in your will, you have the flexibility to adapt your philanthropic goals over time. You can update your will to reflect changing priorities, ensuring that your support remains aligned with your evolving values.

Including charitable giving in your will is a meaningful way to leave a legacy of generosity and compassion. It allows you to continue supporting causes you care about, inspire future generations, and make a positive difference in the world. By taking this step, you ensure that your values and vision for a better world endure long after you're gone. So, as you plan for your future, consider how you can incorporate charitable giving into your will and leave a lasting legacy of kindness and generosity.